New Kanopy Ticketing System

There are important changes coming to Kanopy’s current play credit system on November 1, 2023.


What is changing?
• Instead of play credits, users will have a monthly ticket allotment.
• Each ticket represents $1 in cost to your library.
• Every title is labeled with a ticket value and viewing window.
• More flexible content pricing, including reducing the cost of some content to $1/1 ticket.


• Better represents your library’s costs.
• Easier to know how many tickets you have.
• Clearer information on viewing period.

How are content types ticketed?
• Regular PPU (Play Per Use): $2 per play, 2 tickets
• Major Studio: $4 per play, 4 tickets
• Shorts (Single titles with a running time of 30 min or less): $1 per play, 1 ticket
• PLUS Packs & Kanopy Kids Subscription: Annual subscription, 0 tickets
• Bingeable episodic content (including The Great Courses): Pricing, tickets, and viewing period variable based on total running time.
Standard Episodic Pricing (Please note that future pricing is subject to change)

Running Time  Ticket Requirement Viewing Period
2 hours or less 2 3 days
2-4 hours 3 3 days
4-6 hours 4 7 days
6+ hours 5 14 – 21 days


How many tickets will I get?
Hamden Public Library patrons will be allotted 18 tickets per month.