Loan Periods

21 Days: Print materials and books on CD
14 Days: TV series on DVD, hotspots
7 Days: All other DVDs
1 Day (overnight): Museum passes


Hamden Public Library is now fine-free. We are excited to take this positive step to improve the library experience for our community. However, here are some things to keep in mind.

Due Dates
Every item checked out still has a due date. Cardholders are responsible for honoring the due date by returning or renewing the item. Books that do not have a hold on them are automatically renewed for 1 additional loan period.

Hamden Library  Items Only
The No-Fines policy applies only to items belonging to the Hamden Public Library. We can waive small fines if the items are returned back to Hamden if the items were checked out and returned here. Larger fines are at the discretion of the owning library.

Overdue Items Only
Fines are different than fees. The No-Fines policy applies only to overdue items. Fees for damaged or lost items will still be charged to cardholder accounts. Items are considered lost if they are not returned by 3 weeks after their due date.

Blocked Accounts
Once your card reaches a total of $25 in fines (from other libraries) or fees (replacement/damage) your library account will be blocked. When that happens, you will not be able to check out more items or access certain streaming or digital content until the overdue item is returned and/or your late fines from other libraries are paid.