Whether you’re a seasoned homeschooler or trying it for the first time, the Whitneyville Branch Library is here to help. With a generous donation from the Hamden Rotary Club, we’ve created a Homeschooling Collection to assist parents and caregivers with this demanding task. We’ve vetted available materials for you and created a thorough—and fun!—selection of guides, series, kits, and sets for a variety of age groups and learning levels. Plan and enhance your lessons, or add some hands-on excitement to your child’s virtual school day.
We’ve got the how-to guides to get you started, including:
– The Homeschooling Handbook
– The A+ Homeschool Planner
– The Well-Trained Mind
– Homeschool Bravely
– The Everything Guide to Homeschooling
– What Your Kindergartener/First/Second/Third/Fourth Grader Needs to Know
For the youngest students, learning to read is more fun when you include these in your lessons:
We also have the BIG FAT NOTEBOOK Middle School Study Guides for English, American History, Math, Science, and more.
Can’t get to the library? Our variety of databases—free with your library card! And don’t forget—we loan hot spots!
The Homeschooling Collection is available to complement the Hamden Public Library’s amazing assortment of books, DVDs, and digital content, and while housed at the Whitneyville Branch, it’s available to any resident (and we’ll deliver to your branch of choice for pickup). Your options are multiplied, too, with our access to the LION consortium’s vast offerings. So don’t be intimidated by the challenges of home- and virtual schooling. We’re here to help. Call 203-287-2677 if you have any questions about our new Homeschooling Collection.
Homeschool Brochure (PDF)