LeVar Burton Reads
Subject: Fiction
Why I chose it: Producer and narrator LeVar Burton (Reading Rainbow, Roots, Star Trek) reads short fiction he likes from many genres, especially science fiction. Episodes are about 40 minutes in length, so can be listened to over a lunch break or before going to sleep. I’m also really excited about this Twitter thread:
@levarburton I’ve been busting my brain for about a week now trying to figure out how to do a live-streamed version of #LeVarBurtonReads. I figured that during this difficult time I could contribute by reading aloud to folks who could use some diversion for themselves and their families. 6:48 pm · Mar 24, 2020
@levarburton In order to avoid legal complications, I’ve gone down the rabbit hole searching through volumes of short stories in the public domain for appropriate content for families and have come up empty. 6:51 pm · Mar 24, 2020
@levarburton These are amazing suggestions y’all. Thanks for your input! MORE NEWS SOON! 7:11 PM · Mar 24, 2020
Stories chosen for LeVar Burton Reads are usually selected with the assumption that listeners are adults, so listener discretion is advised.
Start with: A story from his back episodes by your favorite author, or try this week’s episode and then go back if you’re interested. I missed “Chivalry” by Neil Gaiman (Season 1, Episode 7), so that’s next on my list.
Find LeVar Burton Reads here or search for it in your favorite podcatcher. If you use Twitter, you can follow LeVar Burton @levarburton. LeVar Burton Reads is a Stitcher Original podcast.
LeVar Burton Reads was selected by Rebecca.