The Connecticut General Assembly 2025 Regular Session is ongoing. Library related legislation can specifically be followed through Connecticut Library Association Advocacy.
The following are some of the bills that may interest library users:
HB 5866: AN ACT EVALUATING FUNDING FOR PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Purpose: To study and identify funding gaps for public libraries and options for efficiency and sustainability.
SB 1217: AN ACT CONCERNING SCHOOL AND PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Purpose: To require public and school libraries to develop a (1) collection development and maintenance policy, (2) library program and display policy, and (3) library material review and reconsideration policy.
SB 523: AN ACT CONCERNING THE CURATION AND RETENTION OF LITERARY MATERIALS CONTAINED IN PUBLIC AND SCHOOL LIBRARIES AND LEGAL PROTECTIONS AFFORDED TO LIBRARIANS AND STAFF WORKING IN SUCH LIBRARIES. Purpose: To protect state residents by prohibiting public and school libraries from censoring books and providing librarians and other library staff members with legal protections, including immunity from criminal and civil liability, for carrying out work-related duties in accordance with state law.
HB 5508: AN ACT CONCERNING A FREEDOM TO READ. Purpose: To protect the authority of local and regional boards of education to prescribe the materials that belong in a school library.
HB 5862: AN ACT CONCERNING PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES. Purpose: To require the development of policies concerning public school libraries.
HB 5865: AN ACT CONCERNING SCHOOL LIBRARIES AND CHILDREN. Purpose: To require adherence to established protocols when evaluating materials to be used in school libraries.
HB 5867: AN ACT CONCERNING PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES. Purpose: To require local and regional boards of education to adopt a policy concerning public school library collection of books and other educational media.
HB 5858: AN ACT ESTABLISHING A SCHOOL LIBRARIES TASK FORCE. Purpose: To establish a task force to create guidelines for school libraries in determining what literary materials are appropriate for inclusion in such libraries.
HB 5898: AN ACT PROHIBITING THE AVAILABILITY OF SEXUALLY EXPLICIT MATERIAL IN PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES. Purpose: To prevent student access to sexually explicit material in public school libraries.