Registration is now open for Energize Connecticut’s 20th annual eesmarts Annual Student Contest. This contest encourages students in grades K-12 to answer grade-specific prompts on how energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable solutions can impact our world.
Winners will receive an Amazon gift card ($400 for 1st place, $250 for 2nd place, and $100 for 3rd place) and finalists in all categories and grade levels will be honored at a special awards ceremony in May 2025 at the Connecticut Science Center in Hartford.
For the 2025 competition, a teacher prompt was added. The contest invites teachers to showcase their creativity by making a video or song alongside their students, explaining why saving energy is important. Three teachers will be awarded a $250.00 gift certificate to Really Good Stuff.
The registration deadline is March 21, 2025. All contest information and details can also be found at EnergizeCT.com/student-contest.